Mom of three, going back to school and blogging for the first time...scary

Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Lattice Multiplication Method


  The first time I saw the Lattice Multiplication method was from my daughter who was in 4th grade at the time. My first thought of this method was that it was crazy and messy. At first I didn't understand the concept and could not help my daughter with her double digit multiplication problems using the lattice method. While helping her I was wondering what happen to teaching children the “old fashion way” where you line your multiplication problem is columns.

         I never did get the method of Lattice Multiplication until for my class “Math for Elementary Teachers”. My teacher has us watch a YouTube video that showed step by step instructions that helped me to understand this method. Now I will be able to help my own children entering 4th grade and 2nd grade to understand the lattice method along with my future students.  

        After looking into the Lattice Method I found that it is the same as regular long multiplication, however, it breaks the process into smaller steps, which some people find easier to use and understand. I can see why some individuals prefer the lattice method over long multiplication. In this day and age it is great that we have many different options/resources to help individuals that struggle with long multiplication.
There are some resources that are available to teach the Lattice Method:

You Tube video for kids
Work Sheet Website (has 2x2, 2x3, 3x3)

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